Hi! I’m Georgii, front-end developer
Nice to meet you!
I'm a front-end developer, based in London.
I love developing user-friendly and reliable interfaces.
I love developing user-friendly and reliable interfaces.
Open-source projects
Modern, simple, lightweight (~5kb gzip) form validation library written in Typescript, with no dependencies (no JQuery!). Support a wide range of predefined rules, async, files, dates validation, custom error messages and styles, localization. Support writing custom rules and plugins.
Vue2 SSR HMR boilerplate
Vue2 application boilerplate, includes server-side rendering, hot reloading, VueX state management, CSS modules, code splitting, ESLint and customizable configs.
React Query example app
An example of building the app using React Query.
Building The Real App With React Query
I explain the most common React Query features that you need to be familiar with when creating a real-life application that is stable when testing.
How I made it easy to develop on Vue.js with server-side rendering
My experience of setting SSR, HMR, VueX etc. boilerplate for Vue 2